“Build your children up. Put their insecurities to sleep. Remind them they’re worthy. Tell them they’re incredible.
Tell them simply “DO YOUR BEST.”
~ The Metaphysical Mother Robin Alexis

Robin & Grandson Jake
Robin Alexis is the Metaphysical Mother®. She is not your mother or your mother’s mother. Robin Alexis is the Metaphysical Mother who can teach you things her generation and generations before never knew about creating healthy babies.
Pay it forward for your Baby’s Well Being, and book an appointment with Robin prior to conception. The power of your pre-conception time determines the trajectory of your baby’s future, and Robin can assist you in creating a beautiful process for your baby.
Robin wishes that she had known someone who could have taught her what she teaches you now, about creating a healthy baby before that baby’s spirit is conceived into human form. For example, Robin Alexis can remove past life trauma from your baby’s soul before it is even conceived or born!
Here is another example of what Robin’s Metaphysical Mothering psychic ability can help you with: Did you know that if either you or your partner had a pregnancy terminated or lost in the past, that baby’s spirit may be lingering in your womb space? That baby’s spirit can interfere with conception and possibility your parenting down the road. Over 8 million babies have been aborted in the United States alone since 1974. What if one of them needs help crossing over and is interfering with your pregnancy and parenting?
Many women and men are haunted by baby’s spirits that may have come to you and stayed with you from past relationships. Don’t let yourself be one of them!
To assist in creating an amazing future for your baby, schedule a session with the Metaphysical Mother Robin Alexis before you conceive.
This is what Dr. Bruce Lipton has to say about Robin’s work;
“Robin Alexis provides an important contribution toward nurturing our evolving civilization. Robin’s insights into the power of conscious parenting that are valuable to anyone who has a child, is planning to have a child, or has been a child themselves.”
"BEYOND" with James Van Praagh
"The Baby Whisperer"
Robin Alexis appeared on the nationally syndicated television show "BEYOND with James Van Praagh" doing her "Baby Whisperer" work. She assisted a single mom who could not get any sleep due to her baby’s crying all night long.
“BEYOND” with James Van Praagh – “The Baby Whisperer”
Robin Alexis appeared on the nationally syndicated television show “BEYOND with James Van Praagh” doing her “Baby Whisperer” work. She assisted a single mom who could not get any sleep due to her baby’s crying all night long.
How may I serve you with my Metaphysical Mothering® gifts?
Click Here for a Reading with Robin
Robin offers Personal Phone Consultations. The direction of a private sessions will depend on your needs and goals. Here are just a few of Robin’s intuitive gifts:
Baby Whisperer: Communicates with the pre-birth baby. Robin is able to unblock spirits that are preventing pregnancy. She can also talk with spirits of miscarried children, aborted children, or future children.
Clairvoyant: Communicates with the past, present, parallel and future lives of children, adults, pets and planets.
Medical Intuitive: Foresees potential diseases and illnesses, as well as how to heal them. She specializes in infants.
Healer: Balances the chakra system, cleanses auras and does soul retrievals. She is also able to tell you what your life and soul purpose is, and assists you in removing blockages so that you can experience life more fully.
Medium: Talks to your spirit guides, angels and the deceased. She is able to do house and land clearings if you have spirits or ghosts.
Channeler: Spirits are able to speak through Robin’s voice. She channels spirit guides on and off the planet.