Spirit Lady Robin Alexis
Experience Reiki Healing & Robin's Soul Spa

Robin Alexis One on One Phone Readings

Robin Alexis’ life purpose was defined to her when she became profoundly psychic after having three near death experiences. Robin survived to serve you with her extraordinary psychic abilities. To become a professional at her craft, Robin Alexis graduated from Plymouth University in New Hampshire as a Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. She also spent decades sharpening her raw psychic abilities.

Many world renowned professionals, as well as many conscious parents, consult Robin Alexis. Acclaimed Kirtan Musician Krishna Das was so inspired from his sessions with Robin, he wrote this testimonial about the benefit he received from working with her:

“Robin is a Being of compassionate vision, and with her access to the subtle inner wisdom that is hidden from ourselves, she guides us and opens us up to the path of our own Heart-Love”

Here are many of Robin’s Psychic Skills:

  • Robin Alexis is a Self-Empowerment Coach who helps her clients to achieve their full potentiality
  • CLARITY IS POWER! Robin Alexis helps clients develop their own psychic abilities, creativity abilities and decision making strategies
  • Robin’s goal for clients is for them to Know, Trust and Act upon their own Knowing. This means: KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW. Robin helps clients integrate the use of their intuition into their daily life.
  • Robin assists people to create for their futures instead of reacting to their pasts
  • Robin assists people in clearing their energies, auras and chakras, and to reset their perspective of life
  • Robin believes that the number one cause of depression is not fulfilling one’s Soul purpose. She helps her clients know what their Soul’s purpose is and helps them to achieve it.
  • Robin is a Past Life Reader and Soul Retrieval Specialist
  • Robin is Clairvoyant; Clair-audio; Clairsentient
  • Robin is an Animal Communicator. She specializes in finding lost pets.
  • Robin is a Medical Intuitive, specializing in offering cancer patients healthful transformations
  • Robin is a Ghost Whisperer with Paranormal Negotiating Skills. She can help lost Spirits Cross Over from this Earthly plane, where they often get stuck, to the next place on their Soul’s journey. Snoop Dogg calls Robin “The Paranormal Negotiator”
  • Robin channels Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Beings, Nature Beings and more on behalf of her clients
  • Robin is known for her work done work for a variety of Governmental Agencies, corporate clients, and law enforcement departments
  • Robin Alexis is a medium. She can speak to people and pets that have transitioned to the other side. Robin specializes in post abortion and miscarried baby spirit communication. Robin is The Marilyn Monroe Medium. 
  • Robin is the Founder of Metaphysical Mothering®, a unique parenting perspective that is soul based. Robin specializes in assisting Conscious Mothers and Fathers To-Be, to conceive very advanced souls returning into human form
  • Robin speaks to Baby’s Spirits prior to conception, babies who are still in the womb, or when they are new born and pre-verbal. She can assist you in having a telepathic relationship with your Baby, or your Baby’s Spirit. The Metaphysical Mother Robin Alexis offers unique healing opportunities for developmental and behavioral issues with children or other family members. Robin speaks with the Souls of children. She guides parents to know how to assist their children to fulfill their Soul’s purpose.

Let Robin Alexis serve you and your family!

Do you need a Reading? Book your private one-on-one phone session with Robin Alexis!

1 on 1 Phone Reading with Robin Alexis

(15 customer reviews)


A private phone reading with Spirit Lady Robin Alexis is an experience, not an explanation. Her psychic abilities include the range of helping you have conversations with extra-terrestrials to speaking with your baby-to-be. Spirit Lady Robin Alexis is a Spiritual Empowerment Coach who will help you find the joy in being your authentic self. She is the Founder of Metaphysical Mothering which is a parenting style based on the needs of your child’s soul. Robin Alexis would love to serve you and your families divinity. Robin will listen to you, and teach you,  to Know, Trust and Act Upon Your Own Knowing. 

You are responsible for your own recording of your session.

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15 reviews for 1 on 1 Phone Reading with Robin Alexis

  1. Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio

    Robin Alexis

    Gwendolyn McGuire

    Robin Alexis has taken me to the next level of my Spirit’s Journey on Planet Earth. I feel incredibly seen and validated, and am taking some huge risks for my dreams now because of her honoring of my soul in our private sessions and group classes. I HIGHLY recommend Robin to support you on your journey of awakening!

  2. Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio

    Robin Alexis

    Tina Imara

    Robin lovingly assists me with her energy and mindset shifting abilities. Sometimes I don’t even know that I’m stuck, but recently, I was stuck in a very big and bad way. Drowning in it. For years. And no matter what my logical mind did (being in action, positive thinking, gratitude, meditation and prayer), I just couldn’t get unstuck. This fed hopelessness, being overly critical of myself and much stress. Through trusting Robin’s healing process, answers were provided, energy was shifted, and I now feel free to move forward with joy and trust. If you haven’t personally experienced Robin, I’d highly, highly recommend a session.

  3. Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio

    Robin Alexis

    Lisa Fuller

    She is spot on with %100 accuracy!!! She is the real deal and gifted beyond measure! She amazing!!!

  4. Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio

    Robin Alexis

    Gwen Kellett

    Robin’s one on one sessions are amazing. Her ability to shed light, pinpoint and clear blocked energy is one of a kind. Her healings are profound, insightful and transformative. I deeply appreciate her gifts and highly recommend a session with her!

  5. Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio

    Robin Alexis

    “Robin Alexis is an absolute treasure. Her work and its value that she delivers me in our sessions is nothing less than essential on my path. She has an extraordinary gift and she IS a gift. Beyond measure I am grateful for her contribution to my life. She has helped me immensely and continues to do so.” – Shiva Baum/ Los Angeles CA (record producer, artists development expert and head of music programming Bhakti Fest)

  6. Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio

    Robin Alexis

    I would like to give a giant shout out to Robin Alexis for having such a HUGE life saving impact on my families life. More than 15 years ago our first child Ethan was born with what seemed like an incurable disease. We were faced with a difficult decision whether or not to have him go through with surgery. We spoke to Robin a day before the surgery and not only did she say our son requires the surgery, but that it would save his life. Fast forward 15 years, our son Ethan is excelling both academically as well as a highly competitive basketball player. You can read about this story and many like it in Robins book titled “Raising Humanity”

    We have kept in touch with Robin through the years and have such a deep admiration for her skills as a medical intuitive for both humans and animals but also her compassion for others. We feel so blessed to have met Robin all those years ago and continue to appreciate and respect her work.

    I am a medical professional and have utilize evidence based practice when ever possible. However, there are things that medicine has not yet caught up with. When you are not getting the answers or feel like nobody is listening to you, I highly recommend you speak with Robin as she will point you in the right direction. We are forever grateful for her work.

    Thank you Robin with all our heart.

  7. Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio

    Robin Alexis

    Another testimony today!

    I told Sean that you cleared something from his shoulder yesterday. He went to the gym to lift and throw this afternoon and called me on his way home. The first sentence out of his mouth was “whatever Robin did yesterday worked.” ❤️ he ended up finding the knot in the back of his shoulder that was radiating to the front and he used a golf ball to release it. Then when he threw he said his arm felt like butter! He was so psyched 😘😘😊

  8. Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio

    Robin Alexis

    “Robin’s 1-on-1 phone readings are incredible. My life changed profoundly when Robin helped me begin to clean up my energy in the spring of 2013. I will never forget waking up suddenly one morning a few days before my first session with her. I saw a huge glowing ball of White Light near my bed and instinctively knew it was Robin meditating from home, sending me much-needed healing energy. I could even hear her, too, and had not yet opened my psychic clairs at that time.

    Over time she taught me how to ground, clear and protect my energy to become sovereign in my field. I learned to once again trust the Divine, and to ‘know that I know what I know.’ I learned to release the crippling fear and to act on my guidance timely rather than being so unclear in my decisions and so ‘stuck’ energetically.

    Robin’s recommendation I consider Purium’s Transformation 3 and kamut Egyptian wheat grass detox products changed everything as I could now HOLD the energetic progress I made and truly begin to heal my DNA at a cellular level in a sustainable way!

    Robin has helped me with numerous health challenges including chronic pain and mobility issues, my finances, life purpose and soul mission, my home and property, my relationships, my animal companions, and so much more. She has done amazing work with me on behalf of my loved ones – some of whom would not still be alive today without Robin – and for Mother Earth and our galactic families.

    If you asked me the one person who has had the most positive impact on my life, the answer is easy: Robin Alexis! She has impeccable integrity and remarkable clarity and accuracy in the messages she shares during readings, and always verifies if the message resonates for you so you learn to discern your own truth for yourself.

    If you’re ready to live the life you were born for and planned before incarnating, call Bob at 1.530.859.2499 to book your own session with Robin.”

    All boats rise with the tide —

    Wendy Rose Williams (Kirkland, WA)
    Past-Life Regressionist/ Author

  9. April

    I’m going through some rough inner work. Emotional mood swing stuff, not at all my favorite. Because I’m feeling tossed around a fair deal, I don’t believe meditation is the way to find peace–normally I do, but not at this time. Too much turbulence in the mind and emotional body to sit quietly.

    I am grateful for my readings with Robin. I find it very soothing.

    Much Love,


  10. Dr. Lara Romero

    Dear Robin,

    Thank you so much for helping my daughter heal from her traumatic past. I noticed a difference in her energy level and her spirit that same afternoon. She is now sleeping peacefully through the night and a much happier child. Your talents amaze me every time I experience them, from past life regressions, to DNA transformation, to you being a medical intuitive. Is there anything you can’t do? I have been to many energy workers and I do energy work for my clients, and you are by far the most advanced and most effective intuitive healer I have ever encountered. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing gifts so graciously and generously. You are truly a bright light in this world. My whole family is blessed to have crossed your path.

    Much love and appreciation,
    Dr. Lara Romero

  11. Heather Frenner

    It was so great doing the work with you today…you are truly an amazing healer. I can’t wait for my next appointment.


    Dearest Robin,

    I was looking at your website last night to find out a little more about this “Wonderful Goddess”, you of course, who has had such an incredible impact on my life, and has touched me at the very depth of my soul. The clarity and insights that you have brought to my one on one readings with you have had an enormous impact on me. As I re-awaken to my purpose, I can move forward with a new found confidence and sense of dedication about fulfilling my creative gifts, achieving my goals, reaping the benefits, and contributing to the spiritual evolution that I have been nurturing for ever so long.

    Warren Goldberg

    I feel so great after the session yesterday, I am in bliss and glowing~!


  12. Marcie

    Dearest Robin,

    You truly are a healers’ healer and I honor your vision and ability to find the missing pieces of our energetic and cosmic field thus creating a ‘whole being’ that most people miss entirely. Your work is priceless!!!!!

    Again, thank you for your assistance in this incredible transitory time (I mean this personally as well as universally). The world is indeed ready for a higher version of itself thanks to celestial beings like you.


  13. Jo Carey

    I have had the special privilege of working with Robin Alexis both professionally and personally for several years.

    She has assisted me with health issues, energetic clearings, and communications with “the other side”. I always feel better after working with her, no matter what the issue! She was also a great support to me during by beloved cat’s illness and eventual passing. She was able to tell me what my cat was physically experiencing and when she was ready to leave.

    I will forever be grateful for her unique talents and her loving spirit.

    Much, much love,
    Jo Carey-, Events Coordinator, Bodhi Tree Bookstore-Hollywood California

  14. Pat Taylor

    Hi Robin,

    You have many incredible gifts that God has given you. You were able to ascertain within minutes that the protective shield around me looked like a broken fence. As you worked on this issue, I immediately felt like a new person.

    Then you were able to identify why the progress of my book manuscript seemed derailed and why I was unable to write. As you worked on this issue I could feel changes right away and within hours I was working on the conversion of my book manuscript into a screen play. It was amazing!

    You were able to interact with my deceased mother and pass on communications and concerns to me. Then you resolved a health issue.

    Your work with the angels is truly amazing. I have encouraged all of my friends that if they have any issues, if they are not able to meet their goals, or have obstacles in their lives, they need to contact you without hesitation. The results are immediate and amazing.

    Thank you so much.

    With warm regards,
    Pat Taylor

  15. Shawna Bisson

    Shawna Brooks Bisson I had a reading with Robin last week. To put it mildly, it was amazing! Robin has so many talents, in so many areas that her help is priceless!
    My husband transitioned last year. I have been to several mediums since his passing but, no one has been as clear, concise and detailed as Robin. She was able to bring several messages through from him that I really needed to hear. She was able to foresee the outcome of a financial battle that I am currently facing, which gave me great comfort.
    During my reading I told her about a relationship that I would like to heal and work on in this lifetime but, I felt that there was a history from past lifetimes that has been hindering the progress in this lifetime. She was able to go into the akashic records and we worked on the problem. I actually started to see some positive results from that work just a few hours later!
    Robin is a medical intuitive and she was able to see some health issues that I am dealing with and she had suggestions for what I could do to heal.
    I also, had questions about a miscarriage that my Mom had between me and my brother and she was able to clear that up as well.
    It is absolutely amazing what all she can do! Thank you Robin for all that you do and your service to others. You make our lives better with your ser

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“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. “

~ Steve Jobs

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