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Free Reiki I attunement

Home Forums Soul Spa Special Offers Free Reiki I attunement

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  • #5094
    Robin Alexis on Mystic RadioRobin Alexis

    Hello Soul Spa Members,

    As part of your soul, spa experience, I have also been guided by spirit to offer free Reiki one attunement. Reiki, one attunement are for self healing. That is the goal of the soul spa. That we all experience, our own self healing, manage our own energies, and recognize our own abilities to be the architects of our bodies. Anyone who wants that experience may also post here. I will be giving them one by one. I’ll set it up with each individual how we are going to go about doing it. If you’re interested in having this experience you should probably take a month to prepare yourself. Take really good care of your body, drink, lots of water and get plenty of rest. You’ll also want to study Reiki. It could be down the line. I will create formal classes for people to become a Reiki master. But for right now I’ll offer you the attunement, but not the class. So you need to get the actual education elsewhere. Until overtime we’re able to share these kinds of experiences in detail here. so I already know one person wants it. Let me know if you want it.


    Please include me to. Thank you.

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