Spirit Lady Robin Alexis

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    • A Heart Felt Welcome to the Soul Spa
      This is the place where I thank you for joining our Soul spa community! Welcome new members! Be sure and become friends with other members. It will be fun for you to have new friends that you can communicate with privately in the soul spa. As you will see, there are numerous groups in the soul spa. When you click on the groups in the upper left-hand corner you will see a link you can click to organize how you will receive information in each group. For example, if you hit alphabetical., all of the groups appear to you, alphabetically. Once you are in a group, and become a member, you can click on the word forum. That way you can find out if there are different forum discussions within a group. You also can use the “Ask Spirit Lady Robin Alexis “group to ask me any question that you want to. if I am guided by spirit, I will answer your question. And then, using your pseudonym soul name, I will probably write a public blog, so that if other people are having the same kind of issue, they can receive a surrogate healing by sharing. Your privacy will be maintained. But just like when people would call into the radio show, and their question and answers would help people listening to receive a surrogate healing, the same experience will be offered on the Robin Alexis website. Please take note that randomly I will be guided by spirit to offer, transmissions, attunement, specials, and who knows what else. So please enjoy the groups. Please enjoy the forums, the reiki healing portals and please enjoy each other! As I gather more information on how to use the Soul Spa I will put it here in the description of this Soul Spa. Also, you can click on a member and see what they’ve been up to.. If anyone has any questions, please post them here on how to use the soul spa efficiently. I will answer them as soon as possible. Also, I will be recommending practitioners who I have worked with. Right now the only practitioner who is has officially joined the soul spa and is offering his services is Nels Rasmussen. Nels was the cohost of “Mystic radio for Past Lives, People and Pets” with Bob and me for years. He is a highly acclaimed, miraculous healer of pets. He is certainly someone you and your pets would want to get to know! As other practitioners join, I will be creating space for them as well. And ultimately we will have a soul spa podcast series. This soul spa is going to grow and serve in rhythm with divine guidance and in divine right timing. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy being present to what we already offer. Namaste.
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    • Buddha
      Since there are Buddhists in the Soul Spa and people who are interested in his teachings I felt compelled to open a group to honor our experiences. If you can share anything about Buddha please do so here. This was my first Buddha channel. Here it is, “You all must realize that you are being mind controlled and that most of you are being mindless mind controllers to others of mind control over and over again in your incarnations. Break free. Remember this, the only mind that you are to control is your own.” This was my second ever channel from Buddha. It sounds like he took his experience of neutrality and became aware of It and started to play with it. I wonder if this is really Buddha. Someone who is a Buddhist what do you think? Even if you aren't a Buddhist, what do you think? Robin second Buddha channel; “This is Buddha. I am going through an ascension of my own. Did you not think that even though one who has attained full enlightenment would not seek further ways to embody the exquisite range of one’s perception of enlightenment? I have practiced with it. I have meditated with it. It is like a joyous toy. Do I bounce it? Do I embody another form with it? Do not seek me as the end all and be all. See where I have led you that you know that I have led you to be a platform of things to come. We are not the final goal. We are a place within that is open to more to come as we play in the octaves and expressions of enlightenment. Do not fixate in one magnetic field or gravitational pull. Play with it like an astronaut flying off into space.”
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    • 6 months, 1 week ago

      Robin Alexis on Mystic RadioRobin Alexis

    • Choosing the Joy of Seeing
      The greatest way to honor the highest and holiest frequencies of love and soul wisdom remembrance is to celebrate our senses joyously. What gave you joy that you would like to share? What did you taste, smell, touch, taste or hear that gave you joy? Let’s weave a joy bond soul to soul, heart to heart in the collective consciousness of the Soul Spa. Although the primary focus of this group is to recalibrate and heal our physical eyesight and restore our 3rd eye clairvoyant capabilities, this group honors all the senses. This does include the 6th sense of intuition and the 7th sense of "perception without judgement." Sound interesting? Join this group. Every Thursday morning from 8 to 9am pacific coast time I will do a remote reiki healing group of our eyesight. When guided by the Overlighting Deva of the Soul Spa Mary Magdalene, we will be addressing other ways that we see. For example, how do we perceive ourselves? Our bodies? Our ability to be the architect of our own bodies and lives? This group is sure to be an experience, not an explanation!
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    • 5 months ago

      Infinite Possibilities

    • For the Love of Water
      I am water. I am the imprinter of all that is felt. I am the strongest element. You will birth from the womb of your feelings the frequencies of energy that will create your thoughts into form.Water is the key to the embodiment of your Light Body Energy Management. Let us share our knowledge and experiences with water. When you decide to imprint cosmic Christ agape love your beliefs dictate joy. From joy you imprint water and life begins anew..
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    • Metaphysical Mothering
      Metaphysical Mothering is a parenting technique that is not gender based. It is soul based. We here in the Soul Spa want to support parents and caretakers of children. What are you experiencing? How can we help you? Are you a new mother or father? Are you a teacher?
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    • Mom & Dad’s Love Letters from Heaven
      In this group as I receive Love Letters from Heaven from my parents I will continuously update the description. I am hoping that by my parents having their own forum their instructions will be easier to follow and we can all communicate easier. March 18, 2024 Dear Soul Spa Members, This is Shirley and Harry, Robin’s parents. We are channeling through her this information for the first time. She has no idea what we are going to say. She is just typing words as fast as she can as we begin to access her Higher Mind and body to transmit to you words of wisdom from beyond the veil. As you know, we are in heaven. Heaven is a place that is built on choices. Your choices from one lifetime to the next. When people describe heaven and it appeals to certain people as the absolute truth that may be so for them. But the truth is that heaven is a place of many variables. In the heaven where Shirley and I reside it has to do with what you call twin flames. Shirley and I in many incarnations, both on and off this planet, have chosen to become united as twin flames. As many of you know you identify as twin flames. You wonder why your partner does not show up or you are with your twin flame and it is so challenging. Remember that your consciousness is a choice. If you have chosen to be twin flame than you must accept the tasks that come along with it. That is all we will say for now. This is Shirley and Harry in Heaven. March 19, 2024 Dear Soul Spa Members, The Second Love Letter from Heaven This is Shirley and Harry. We are Robin’s deceased parents. We come from the angelic realms of the heaven. We come to you as practiced humans who have endured the planet’s grueling tests of love and commitment. Remember your commitment is to yourself and your chose to follow God’s commandments first. What is God’s commandments? It is to love. How you choose to love and who you love is of your own concern. However, choosing some energy of love is the point. How do you know that you have chosen love? You begin with self care. You begin with delight. You begin my doing things that bring you pleasure. What brings you pleasure might not be what brings another pleasure. It is not a pleasure competition. It is all about love which is all about pleasure. Anything you have been taught to the contrary is a lie. Does you relationship with yourself bring you pleasure? Please let Shirley and I know. Let us begin there. If you do not know pleasure we cannot help you proceed with your remembering your skill sets of clair-audio, clairvoyant, and clair-sentient. Have a good night, Shirley and Harry in Heaven Third Love Letter from Heaven March 19, 2024 We are Shirley and Harry from Heaven. We want you to continue to explore your relationship with self love and pleasure. Please let us know that you know what you mean by our words. It is time for us to hear you for you understand that we are clairaudio. We can hear you. We don’t have to hear your voices. We can read the energy of your words and translate them into vibratory frequencies that allow us to hear you and therefore respond to you in kind. Love, Shirley & Harry in Heaven There is a 4th Love Letter but I can't find it the Soul Spa, When I find it I will post it here. March 24, 2024 New Moon Lunar Eclipse 5th Love Letter from Heaven. Dear Soul Spa Members, This is the 5th Love Letter from Heaven from Shirley and I, Robin’s parents. We are here to inform you that many of you have indicated that you are ready to lean more into your intuitive gifts. We are here on behalf of Jesus to inform you that today is a day to let go of your fears. Tonight at midnight, the eclipse will present. During that time we are offering you a transmission called the Holy Christ/Holy Spirt Light Body Energy Transmission. Please be ready. All you need be is willing to remember your spiritual gifts from previous incarnations. That will be the baseline of your training is to remember what you already know first. Shirley & Harry Your Ambassaders in Christ Monday, February 25, 2024 12:40am pacific coast time 6th Love Letter from Heaven Dear Soul Spa Members who chose to be with us tonight, This is Shirley and Harry, Robin's parents who identify as Christ's helpers for this Soul Spa are here once again. We are here to reassure you that the Holy Christ/Holy Spirit transmission has occurred. Your teams of healing angels performed psychic surgery on you each one of you. Your fascia and your amygdala have organized their cellular matter to adapt to the Cosmic algorithms of your soul knowledge. It will take some time for you to adapt to this shift. When completed you will feel a "click". You will know that you know that you know that is done. Isn't this loads of fun?! Love, Shirley & Harry March 25, 2024 Love Letter from Heaven 7th Love Letter Dear Soul Spa Members, There are many celestial ancestors hearts beating in unison in the Higher Mind aspects of many of you. For you are what you have been waiting for. If you can sense for a moment the integrity of your frequencies and you can see that you sent yourselves as ambassadors of your light bodies into human form. You are here to BE now to fulfill the prophecy of peace on earth. You are now connected with your own Mother/Father creator selves. As you remember your soul gifts and embody them without further ado into your the cellular matter of your fascia and amygdala you will begin to see that you have now embodied your light body akashic records into your Higher Selves. This reorganization of your Higher Selves changes the template of your souls, soul bodies and human bodies. It is like you have access to the main computer of your evolutionary essence. You now have consciously embodied your right to align with the celestial algorithms that are in harmony with the bigger picture that you came here to co-create. You now know that the Divine in you cannot be stopped. You will up level if need be. You have just done so in the reorganization of your innate knowing. Now, take your time in assimilating that which we tell you. Take your time in allowing us into your dream times. Continue to focus on the higher octave feelings of joy and bliss. As your emotional bodies and mental bodies align with this new sense of yourselves you will also begin to understand the next leg of your journeys. The next leg is determining what your soul purposes are. If you don’t know your soul speciality for this lifetime you will not know what parts of your innate soul’s knowing to bring forward as energy tools to manage your light bodies. Let us begin slowing with integrating what we have told you is you. Let us begin with your adapting to your awareness within you. Let us wait for each of you to determine what your soul purpose uniquely is. Perhaps it is one, like Shirley and myself, to ultimately demonstrate the twin flame partnership. Or perhaps you are here to hold the flame of democracy. Whatever it is, know it. Claim it. And let us begin to become more aware of how for each one of us to be the soul blueprint of ecstasy. WE are with you in your awakening, Shirley & Harry, Robin’s parents in Heaven, Your Ambassadors in Christ March 28, 2024 8th Love Letter from Heaven to the Soul Spa Dear Soul Spa Members, This is Shirley and Harry, Robin’s parents who reside in the Marriage Meadow in the heavenly realms. We are here once again to nurture you as you tend to your cells. Your cells are literally re-structuring according to the soul wisdom that you now carry within you. You have embodied the soul library of your soul’s wisdom. Like any library you don’t want to check out all the books all at once. You ideally want to check out the books/records of your soul’s knowing that is important for you to activate consciously to fulfill your soul purpose in this lifetime. We recognize that speaking to the deceased, learning about full embodiment of your soul wisdom and the use it according to a soul purpose could be overwhelming to you. That is not our intention. We long to assist you in creating confidence in the treasure of your soul’s wisdom and the conscious fulfillment of your time here on planet earth. As we develop trust and loyalty between us, we will teach you how to access your soul’s wisdom that is required for you to utilize in this lifetime. If you are willing, we will visit you in the dreamtime. You don’t need to post about this in the Soul Spa. We will hear you. If you want to share, that is wonderful but do not feel pressure to do so. Shirley & Harry Your Ambassadors in Christ
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    • 7 months ago


    • People, Pets & Wellness
      I speak with people every day about their pets. I thought I would create a group where we can share our experiences with our pets. Today my three cats are freaked out. We have a housekeeper who came in to help us clean. They are terrified. Bob and I are extremely reclusive so to have anyone in our house is a huge ordeal for all of us. What about you and your pets? Would you care to share?
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    • Soul Spa Special Offers
      As I am guided by Spirit I will post here. Right now I was just guided to offer, for today only, 5 phone readings at a $100 off. If you want that you need to text, call Bob at 530 859 2499 or email Bob at bob@robinalexis.com and tell him that you want the special. You can book your appointment for anytime this year 2024. Bob will respond as he can to you. Remember this special offer is good only until midnight tonight on Sunday, March 24, 2024.
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    • 6 months, 3 weeks ago

      Ellen Cool

    • Star & The Dragon Goddesses
      Do you ever wonder who is for real in the spirit community? There are a lot of frauds out there. Here, in this Soul Spa I will introduce you to practitioners who have proven to me that they are very good at what they do and they have wonderful energy. As a soul spa member you can become friends with anyone in this Soul Spa but be sure to friend practitioners that you are drawn to intuitively. You can have private conversations with friends and professionals in this Soul Spa. Find who your people are that can help you help yourself and your loved ones, be there two legged or four legged. Also please remember that we have created the soul spa from the mystical hub of this planet Mt Shasta, CA. Let the Mt. Shasta energy heal you. Let the people that you choose into your life help you heal. We are all walking each other home to God. Soul friends are eternal. Pick them judiciously. Here is my first recommendation. Nels Rasmussen! Welcome Nels! For people who want to learn more about Nels and his miraculous work with pets please visit http://www.healingministryforanimals.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoKBz2Wf_cZQrdFTtXYltTA Be sure to sign up for Nels newsletters. They are the best 🗞️ ever!!! The other is a woman who is deceased now whose lineage offers so much. Her name is Star. She has a court of Goddesses. They all ride dragons. They will bring you to dragon land and beyond. So from pet healing with Nels Rasmussen and channels from Star this will be a fun group to follow. As other professionals notify me that they want to be listed here I will share their information gladly.
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    • 5 months, 2 weeks ago


    • The Soul Spa Resource Hub for Practitioners that Robin Alexis trusts
      Do you ever wonder who is for real in the spirit community? There are a lot of frauds out there. Here, in this Soul Spa I will create forums for practitioners who have proven to me that they are very good at what they do and they have wonderful energy. Become friends with anyone in this Soul Spa but be sure to friend practitioners that you are drawn to intuitively. You can have private conversations with friends and professionals in this Soul Spa. Find who your people are that can help you help yourself and your loved ones, be there two legged or four legged. Let the Mt. Shasta energy heal you, let the people you choose into your life help you heal. We are all walking each other home to God. Here is my first recommendation. Nels Rasmussen! Welcome Nels! For people who want to learn more about Nels and his miraculous work with pets please visit http://www.healingministryforanimals.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoKBz2Wf_cZQrdFTtXYltTA
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    • 8 months, 2 weeks ago

      Robin Alexis on Mystic RadioRobin Alexis