Spirit Lady Robin Alexis

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Are you being tricked?

If you are in an intimate relationship and someone corners you in a situation that all of your options to move through it require you to compromise yourself, you are in an abusive relationship. If someone puts you in a comprising situation and tries to make you decide which way you are about to be abused, be aware that this is a trick to make you think you are responsible for your abuse. Your mind might trap you in a vicious cycle that could become habituated. With this awareness remember you only have one of three options. 

1) accept as is 

2) speak up 

3) leave the situation 

Choose self love and make a conscious choice. Then you are no longer a victim. 

Robin Alexis 

Spiritual Empowerment Coach 


A woman called Three Feathers wrote this in response to my blog;

Option four:
Pray. Ask for what you need, be it courage, guidance, assistance in leaving.

There are 10 beds for Domestic Violence victims serving three cities where I’m at. If your life is not in immediate danger, you don’t have a place to go. I didn’t qualify for shelter bc I already left and was “safe” staying in my vehicle, ie, not in immediate danger from my abuser.

This is why I want to create a village, like the one in TX for the homeless, but for DV survivors and homeless youth, who are more often than not runaways from abusive households.

There aren’t enough beds.

A self-sustaining tiny home village would satisfy so many societal needs I would need to write a paper. My vision empowers and lifts up the teens.

This man built my vision. A real estate developer.

It’s so successful a subsequent 51 acres were donated and yet another 72 adjacent acres after that. So popular the give a public tour every Friday and teach a 3-day symposium every quarter. Might be going with a digital course soon.

Here are some links:

Community First! Village
Please take a look at how Austin, TX ISSSSS solving the homeless problem. Here is a short and longer version of the Community First!Village and the real estate developer who did it.
They offer free public tours every Friday and a three day symposium every quarter for organizations to learn how to do it from permits to completion.

Short video:
https://youtu.be/Ife7WbktJYM (https://youtu.be/Ife7WbktJYM)

Deeper dive:
https://youtu.be/HIsNeJOkFAc (https://youtu.be/HIsNeJOkFAc)

Your choice 😉
🙏🏼lmk what you think

This is by Mobile Loaves & Fishes ✝️

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