Spirit Lady Robin Alexis

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Spirit Lady Robin Alexis Soul Spa Snippet Reading

This is for a soul spa member upset about her weight. Please click the link to listen:


1 thought on “Spirit Lady Robin Alexis Soul Spa Snippet Reading

  1. As the person for whom this reading was about, I’d like to attest that the healing really WORKED! My original question was more about my diet and exercises; I was absolutely blown away by this snippet reading! My body had been feeling very dense and just very, very heavy feeling. So much so that I had been going up my stairs more slowly and needing to use the hand rail (something I never usually do). I noticed yesterday evening, when this was posted that my whole body just felt LIGHTER and I could move more easily. It was like the feeling of having a rock in your shoe, and them having it removed, only in my brain — like someone took the rock out and I could rub the soreness away. It was really amazing, I also felt much more comfortable and at ease in following my normal healthy food plan 🙂 Thank you!

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