Spirit Lady Robin Alexis

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Spirit Lady Robin Alexis Soul Spa Snippet Reading

this Soul Spa snippet reading is for a new member who wanted me to do a quick clearing of her energy. Here is the link to listen.


1 thought on “Spirit Lady Robin Alexis Soul Spa Snippet Reading

  1. Robin, thank you so much. I do feel better. My husband died at the foot of our bed so it was so nice that his spirit took me back to that spot and cleared the energy, seems that the portal is now like you said a sacred area only, not for other ghosts to come in. I live on a lake and today I felt that looking out on the lake I was seeing again for the first time. It just looked different to me so that is a good sign my energy is clearing. I do feel I have been through so much that I plan to do a reading in the next few weeks.

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