Spirit Lady Robin Alexis
Experience Reiki Healing & Robin's Soul Spa

August 5, 2023 Spirit Lady Robin Alexis Channels

Greetings Earth Children,

I AM your Higher States of Consciousness. It is time for you to remember who you are. I am not a person, or a soul or a spirit. You have heard these types of messages through Robin Alexis when Our Beloved Mary Magdalene has spoken through her. We are not her.

I AM the collective consciousness of All That Is. I am the energy that remembers. It is time for you to remember that you remember. That is where the change resides that each of you has the responsibility to claim into your awareness. I AM in awareness that you would not be reading this unless you were ready to take the plunge into the sweet spot of your remembrance. Allow yourselves, give yourselves permission, to delve into the wisdom, the awarenesses of All That Is. Then come together and see how the world whirls in grace. Hope. Hope Fulfilled. Dreams Fulfilled. Grace in Action. Feel it. Remember it. It is done.

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