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Raising Humanity with Robin Alexis

“While conventional thought attributes the character and traits of our lives to be preprogrammed in the genes, recent advances in biomedicine now reveal that parental beliefs and emotions profoundly influence the selection, and even rewriting, of their child’s genetic code. Raising Humanity by Robin Alexis provides an important contribution toward nurturing our evolving civilization. Robin’s […]

A Soul Spa Member asks, “Why is my son seemingly inconsolable? He doesn’t feel safe and no matter what I say or do he isn’t reassured.”

This metaphysical mother knows that she can ask me a question like this. Metaphysical mothering is a parenting technique that I created that is based on the soul’s purpose. It is not gender based.  So, the question is, “What has her son experienced on a soul level that is causing him to feel this way?” […]