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Raising Humanity with Robin Alexis

“While conventional thought attributes the character and traits of our lives to be preprogrammed in the genes, recent advances in biomedicine now reveal that parental beliefs and emotions profoundly influence the selection, and even rewriting, of their child’s genetic code. Raising Humanity by Robin Alexis provides an important contribution toward nurturing our evolving civilization. Robin’s […]

 Have you or your children ever been abducted? Spirit Lady Robin Alexis presents THE INTERGALACTICALLY BESTSELLING Parenting ET Encounter Guide  

CONVERSATIONS with EXTRATERRESTRIALS What would you say to your child if your child claimed that they had encountered an extraterrestrial? What would you tell an extraterrestrials  if they came to you seeking information about humans? What would you do if you were abducted by aliens? If your response to these questions is “That will never […]