Spirit Lady Robin Alexis
Experience Reiki Healing & Robin's Soul Spa

Ask Spirit Lady Robin Alexis

Jennifer asks,

“I find myself in detailed daydreaming about how I want my life to be and feel. Do you think this is me escaping or is it a positive thing?

Spirit Lady Robin Alexis answers,

“Jennifer, this is you taking control of your imagination. This is you working with Abraham Hicks. He has joined you as your Spirit Guide. You are learning to be the architect of your life. Please continue to command your future in this manner. “

1 thought on “Ask Spirit Lady Robin Alexis

  1. Not sure if this is where a person asks questions, but I need Robin to readmit me to the Light Body Energy Management Group. I posted the query in another forum here, which provided me the link to get here.

    Thank You, Robin!

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