Do you know who you are yet? Have you risen up into your sensory body to identify who you are by your senses? It is time to awaken to this. I am not speaking about your fives senses of hearing, seeing, tasting, touching and seeing. I am talking about your sensory body that is related […]
April 15, 2023 Mary Magdalene Speaks Dear Beloved Ones, Did it cross your minds and hearts, “Will Mary Magdalene channel through Robin Alexis again tonight? How long will these transmissions continue?” The answer is I do not know how long the window is open for me to channel through Robin. I am simply grateful that […]
This is Mary Magdalene. My daughter is now ready to speak. Here she is. Sara Speaks; It is time for you to REMEMBER ME. I am the daughter of Mary Magdalene. I am not a daughter of a bitch. My mother was not a prostitute. My mother is sacred and so are you. Anyone who […]
These times that you are living in are meant to be great times of deep soulful exploration. In my previous messages to you of late I have been reminding you of the significance of your breath to remember who you are. Tonight I wish to speak to you about your skin. The topic is being […]
Why is it that when I ask you to breathe you do not? What is it that you are afraid of in your own breath? I will tell you. It is because you are afraid to be fully alive. If you listen to your breath, pay attention to your breath, than you will have to […]
It is time for you to understand yourself. Have you taken the time to understand yourself? What are you waiting for? Do you not see the value in understanding yourself? What is more important than that? Understanding yourself gives you the information that you need to nurture yourself. When you understand yourself you will have […]
Chief Joseph (March 3, 1840 – September 21, 1904) was the chief of the Wal-lam-wat-kain (Wallowa) band of Nez Perce during General Oliver O. Howard’s attempt to forcibly remove his band and the other “non-treaty” Nez Perce to a reservation in Idaho. For his principled resistance to the removal, he became renowned as a humanitarian […]