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April 5, 2023 Mary Magdalene Speaks

It is time for you to understand yourself.

Have you taken the time to understand yourself? What are you waiting for? Do you not see the value in understanding yourself? What is more important than that? Understanding yourself gives you the information that you need to nurture yourself. When you understand yourself you will have the capacity to recognize what you came into human form to do.

If this thought befuddles you, take a moment right now. Observe your breath. Get to know your breath like it is your best friend. Without it, you will cease to be in this form. Your breath understands you. It breaths in ways to show you whether you feel from a range of nurtured and safe to outrageously stressed out. When you listen to your breath, you will understand yourself.

There will come a time when you no longer have your breath to teach you how to understand yourself. When you live without your body, what you learned through your breath, will come with you into your next form of Presence.

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