It is time again. I love to remind you of time. So many of you are obsessed with time. You look at your clocks, listen to your alarms, measure your successes by time. If you do such and such in a certain time then you are a champion. What if time doesn’t exist? Time does […]
Having a Reiki week with Robin Alexis is amazing. She takes you to places inside of yourself that you never knew existed. Whatever issue you may have, Robin is able to look at it from many perspectives, including influence of past lives, higher purpose, soul contracts and overall healing. Robin works with her team of […]
You are with me now. Can you feel it? You were compelled to come here and read my words brought forth by Robin so that you could feel my essence merging with yours. It is time for this merging. You are ready to feel me dancing with your soul. What is your soul ready for? […]
When I was live on the air I couldn’t remember the name of the book. Here is the book, “Original Tribe Handbook of Angels” by JoAnne Cornog. This book has beautiful information about angels. The verbiage I read on the show was this one, Prayer for Beauty Mighty I Am Presence and Beloved Venus make […]
It is time again. Time for you to sit with yourselves and find out if there is anything funny going on in your lives. I don’t mean funny haha but, funny, as in odd. Does something just not add up but you keep ignoring that gentle nudging that something’s different? Tune into it. Sit with […]
I have requested Robin Alexis once again to prepare to receive me and my words. She obliged. As she types these words that she hears for the first time I am allowed to speak through her. It is time for you to remember joy. This is being discussed in one of Robin Alexis’s other blog […]
I have not spoken through Robin Alexis in a long time. It’s not easy to get a medium’s attention. They may have personal things going on that keep them away from us spirits who would like to speak through them. I don’t like to speak through people. I would prefer to speak on my own. […]
This is Robin Alexis. I am so excited to return live to my radio show/podcast, Mystic Radio with Robin Alexis on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. The last show that I did live was Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Right after the October show I was injured. I got a smoke inhalation injury to my throat. I […]
Always center in your heart first before you connect with others. What exactly does that mean? Do you connect through your broken heart? Do you connect through the ancestral wounds of the heartbeat of your body representing all those who have come before you? The hearts of women have been broken. Some women procreate […]
Do you know who you are yet? Have you risen up into your sensory body to identify who you are by your senses? It is time to awaken to this. I am not speaking about your fives senses of hearing, seeing, tasting, touching and seeing. I am talking about your sensory body that is related […]